Exhibition NWS Parliament House Sydney Australia – Finalist Landscape Award 2016 Exhibition NWS Parliament House Sydney Australia – Finalist Landscape Award 2016 The Head On Landscape Prize and NSW Parliament Landscape..
LensCulture Nomination Portrait Award 2016 LensCulture Nomination Portrait Award 2016 LensCulture Portrait Awards 2016 is our 3rd annual competition to discover the very best contemporary..
Exhibition PS Camera (NL) Contemporary photographers with the cameras of their predecessors This is an upcoming exhibition PS Camera is an artistic initiative that is..
Transmission Exhibition | Amsterdam Museum Transmission Exhibition | Amsterdam Museum Miep and photographer Milette Raats met 6 years ago. Miep was attending a transgender programme at..
WeekendARTshow Orchestrated Coincidence Van 9 t/m 11 mei organiseert Seelevel Gallery de WeekendARTshow Orchestrated Coincidence. Onder de naam Orchestrated Coincidence tonen 12..
Keep on Dreaming | Tokyo After New York and Amsterdam the exhibition “Keep on Dreaming” will show at Gallery SIRIUS in Tokyo, making it an intercontinental travelling..